All materials presented on this channel are copyrighted by their respective copyright owners, and are subject to use for INFORMATIONAL PURPOLY!6SES ONLY! 60's Garage Rock, Garage Psych, Raw Punk Garage Fuzz.(“Nothing in the whole world seems so fine, than to die and find peace of mind…”). Νow a short story of the channel.( the channel was started by my husband , but at some point due to professional it passed into my hands. the songs that come up in here are my own sounds, and as one can understand it is somewhat subjective. some like it and some may not. but they are strictly my choices. i also know that there are thousands of songs out there. i try to collect as much as possible the main ones for me. there are many things i like .in the future and little by little, I will try to transfer them, here.thanks to those who find something interesting in this be well, and to be able to listen to good music.
Shared 3 years ago