Vicky Brown - Leaders Journey Experience

Welcome to Leader’s Journey tv!

Let’s be honest, you can’t scale your business alone – you’ll need help; you’ll need a team. That’s where we come in. We offer real, actionable tips, tactics and strategies to help you:

find and hire the right people
motivate and manage them
gracefully fire the employees who aren’t working out
and stretch and grow YOUR leadership muscle

I’m Vicky Brown, the CEO of Idomeneo Enterprises and founder of the Leader's Journey Experience. And, I’ve been right where you are now. Thinking it was just easier to do it all myself; trying to figure out how to find (and more importantly, pay for) an employee; getting stuck thinking I could do it better and faster (besides, it only takes me 5 minutes, right?).

But the reality is – your job, the one ONLY YOU can do, is big picture. So, if you’re doing small picture things, you are NOT DOING YOUR JOB! You are the only one who can drive growth, set the vision, lead the way. So - do that.