On this YouTube channel, we will be exposing the New Age movement while reinforcing the truth of the Gospel. This channel will consist of refutations of New Age ideas and themes, while simultaneously establishing a rational case for the truth of Christianity.

As a former New Ager and former author of the Spirit Science website, I began a Christian after a spiritual experience of the presence of Jesus for the first time. My eyes, since then, have been opened to the deception and lies propagated under the guise of "New Age spirituality" and the truth of the person of Jesus, the Son of God. I hope that the material on this channel is helpful to you, and that you are blessed and strengthened in your faith in Christ from the content of this channel.

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them". - Ephesians 5:11

Website: exposingthenewage.com