Riana Arendse is an International bestselling author, a Globally-Celebrated Visionary Spiritual Teacher, Transformational Leader, Mystic, Intuitive Singer, Vocalist and Leader in the fields of Conscious Transformation, Self Mastery, Enlightenment, Healing and Sovereign Embodiment.
Known for her work as a Seraphim embodied channel; her stirring, breath-giving, luminous angelic vocal transmissions weaves medicinal, divine wisdom through words woven with harmonious, melodies of creation. The insightful profound teachings; through her Artistry, Music, Live Events and Media Interviews have already helped countless people throughout the world find Inner Peace, Healing and Greater Fulfilment in their lives. Riana has been called a Master of Masters for the next generation of Conscious Transformational Spiritual Leaders and Teachers. A deeply embodied channel of Divine Wisdom, Love and Truth.


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