Mark Ferguson, AMATEUR Organist

Organ Music & Model Railroading

I'm a former chorister (1967-1973) at the Church of the Transfiguration (Episcopal) more famously known as "The Little Church Around the Corner" in NYC.

I first played the organ (Austin III/50 with a II/24 Allan Van Zoeren/Jack Steinkamp Antiphonal) at Transfiguration in 1968. Sadly, I've never had a piano or organ lesson in my entire life. I "play by ear" I'm embarrassed to admit, thus an
AMATEUR and strictly an AMATEUR as I play for my own entertainment and to share my love of hymn tunes (I could careless about the text, it's of zero importance to me) with you all. I'm NOT a professionally trained musician and clearly NOT a professional organist nor do I try to pass myself off as such, I'm an AMATEUR organist.

I also LOVE model railroading (HO, OO and O scales) since age seven and thus sharing.

I thank you ALL for your viewership, comments, subscriptions, thumbs up and general support of this channel as I greatly appreciate you all.
