Dennis Moreland Tack

Starting at a young age, Dennis learned that the world of tack needs to be approached from a “function over fashion” mindset. Surrounded by livestock on a small family ranch, and working at his father’s feedstore, three-year-old Dennis and his pony Tinker became a common sight along the streets in Goldthwaite, Texas. Through these early years of riding, cowboying, and watching local craftsmen, Dennis grew familiar with the ins and outs of what makes good leather, and how that leather can make exceptional tack. Working on a ranch during his early 20′s, Dennis would frequent a saddle shop in Nebraska for the tack he needed. The owner of the shop was always busy building saddles,” Dennis recalls. “I’d come in needing something built a certain way and he’d say ‘If you want it built that way, do it yourself.’” So Dennis started doing just that.

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