My aim here is to make the world a healthier place in terms of our body posture and injuries. Most of the injuries can be prevented with proper care. would be delighted if the videos I have shared helped you. Do private message me in Instagram if u need any help with anything.
Therapist, Coach, Trendsetter, Game Changer, Inventor, Content Creator, Alternatives Healer, Diver, Swimmer, Runner, Basketball, Dodgeballer, Footballer, Chinese Metaphysics Enthusiast, Bone Setter.
Currently indulging into Chinese Medicine to expand my thoughts to further polish my healing abilities with Bone Setting and any Physical Treatment.
Never too young to be successful💪🏻. Never be afraid to learn more and step out of your comfort zone. If I can do, so can you ;)
#edbs #edsjourney
Shared 55 years ago