Hi! My name is Sławek, i come from Poland. For many years, i've been collecting MTV EUROPE stuff, including music promo videos, interviews, idents, VJ links, commercials, live performances. Everything which was broadcasted by MTV EUROPE during 1987-1996 - the Golden Age of Music and MTV itself.

I collect VHS tapes but i transfer everything into the digital format (dvd, hdd). If you have any old VHS tapes, that might contain a bit from MTV EUROPE, please contact me - maybe we will work something out? I may buy any old obsolete tapes, or just borrow them for digitisation. Finally, i may share MTV EUROPE stuff with people, who have some MTV stuff themselves. I am open for every trade and any proposition.

My real mail address is: slawek (at) L5.pk.edu.pl Contact me, if you are interested in any other details.
