Hi there! Welcome to Zero Waste TV, your resource for everything zero waste.

My name is Madi and I write for ZeroWasteCalifornia.org. I wanted to show the world how easy and fun it can be to reduce the amount of trash you create by making small adjustments to your daily rituals, that overtime, will have a monumental impact!

A lot of household waste comes as a result of, well, eating! Groceries and takeout food are notorious for their single-use plastic packaging. Over the last few years, I've fine-tuned recipes using ingredients I was easily able to find plastic-free, and often, package free. I am a researcher, not a chef. But I love to cook! And if I can make these dishes, anyone can! They're super tasty and cost effective!

Please message me with any recipe or video requests.

And for more zero waste tips, check out: zerowastecalifornia.org


Shared 4 years ago



Shared 5 years ago