Hey guys! Hope you like my page! Well, in case you haven't been to my channel b4, I'll tell you a little about myself:
I have a beautiful mini rex copper and cream colored bunny named Penny.
I hate wearing real animal fur because I am totally against animal endangerment, abuse, and neglect.
My fave colors are pink, purple, yellow, green, orange, blue, aqua, and all the rest!
I totally love Johnny Depp. He's my hottie!!
I love to sing, act, be weird, hang w/ my friends, go on the computer, play sports and outdoor activities, and I'm generally a fun loving, friendly person.
I've sang at nursing homes for the elderly and needy.
I love to help people and make the world a better place.
I think roller skating is the awesomest!
I'm not popular, but everyone knows me and I have a lot of friends.
I can really freak out and be weird sometimes. (hence, some of my videos... =] hee hee hee...)
Well, that's about it! Pleeze subscribe and comment!