Stories For Caregivers

Produced by Bannister Bergen with the participation of TELUS Fund, Stories for Caregivers is a program designed to connect Caregivers with each other and generate awareness for caregiving through engaging, original web-series.

Stories have the potential to change the way we think and feel about providing care. They can share knowledge in entertaining ways, build empathy for better health care and social policies, and drive loved ones to available resources and communities of support. Stories can help us escape the stress of daily life, if only for a few valuable moments.


Histoires de proches aidants est une initiative conçue pour sensibiliser le public et favoriser son empathie et sa compréhension à l’égard de la prestation de soins en créant une série Web captivante et inspirante qui met en valeur le travail inspirant des aidants partout au Canada.

Produit par Bannister Bergen avec la participation du Fonds TELUS.


Shared 1 year ago