Transformational Adventurist. A Supreme Journey Towards Truth. Learning To Fly As We Leap With Courage Into The Unknown.

Transformational Life Coach, Leader, Expert Yoga Teacher, Mind Core Integrator, Motivational Speaker and Yoga/Adventure retreat and training facilitator. Lisa has worked with individuals and groups since 1985. She is instrumental in transforming communities and helping people live more authentic, productive and happy lives. Using her philosophy, Getting Present, along with the influence of nature, she effectively helps people connect to their core nature and truth. Additionally, Lisa has created, implemented and taught Workshops (specializing in women’s work), “Life Trainings”, for thousands of people. These programs have been replicated and continue on in the eight yoga studios she co-founded and owned. She has taught yoga for more then 27 years to tens of thousands of people. Her goal and focus is to create an environment, community, where people could not only