Hey youtube viewers or wutever u call urselves.I am beamshooter5 telling u that i just put random videos out there so be on the look out there may be something you like.
/▌This Is Bob Copy And Paste Him So
/ \ He Can Take Over Youtube
ummm yea.... so ive been skating for like almost a yea and so umm yea....
favorite skaters 1-5
1. sean malto
2. mike mo
3. jimmy cao
4. eric koston
5.Lem Villemin
heres an epic story take time to read: Nick got the staph, we are guessing, from a bad scrape he had in his hip, which got worse from not treating it right ( thanks to a bad hospital ). He has been fighting for his life for the past 3-4 weeks, and has pulled through even against the odds. The doctors told him he had a 1% chance of living. Well you see what praying can do. Nick is also currently unable to see out of his right eye, and can only see things blurred out of his left. He will have surgery when he regains his muscles . He can also talk too, which is nice, and today he said, "I can't wait to back noseblunt something"
Shared 17 years ago