Whoever reads this i truly encourage you to know more about God read his Bible and give it a chance. God has truly changed my life after turning to him and changed who i am forever my life is beyond words now and i am truly happy and fulfilled so whoever is reading this more and more please turn to God and know more about him even letting him into your heart for one chance can change your life. The truth is Jesus the son of God came here and died for our sins and sin is bad things that are not of God and destroy our lives and lead us to death and destruction after death. I was a regular person living my life how i wanted and doing whatever i desired and after one single video learning more about God i changed everything so if you can connected with me please give God a chance even if you do not see any value or desire to please i understand that feeling but i am truly telling you God is the truth and his Bible is unbelievably powerful and amazing so please give God one single chance.
Shared 9 months ago