Learn how self-employed and small business can get best-in-class health coverage and not pay an arm and a leg.

If you make too much money to qualify for an Obamacare subsidy or have a business too small to get group coverage, you may feel the ACA/Obamacare Marketplace is your only option to get health coverage - it is not. There are plans available outside the marketplace. These plans provide best-in-class health care and cost less than similar marketplace plans.

Health Insurance is confusing. There are multiple plans with various benefit levels. Trying to figure out which plan provides the best health care options at the best price can be dizzying. And then after purchasing figuring out how to use the plan or get claim information is often stymied by long waits for bad customer service. What I bring to the table addresses those and many other issues regarding U.S. health coverage.

And that’s why people say “Why use and agent when you could choose the Savant.”