MLP: Online will feature many activity's that any brony would enjoy. It will be a social game with a friendly atmosphere where you can get together with friends and discover your talents and unlock your cutie mark. There will be lots to do!
Things to do!
A big open world to explore
Dungeons - combat system
Online chatting and team building for events
Apple bucking
Gem hunting
Weather Control
Winter wrap up
The Grand Galloping Gala
Iron Pony
The running of the leaves...
and much much more!
You will be able to dress your pony up and customize it with the many different manes and tails that will be available. You will be able to choose from the 3 types of pony, Unicorn, Earth and Pegasus, each will have its own unique talents. Please subscribe to the group to keep updated on when it will be released and find out more.