Joseph The Yellow E2 AKA Poop Train

Dear random person reading this,

This channel will no longer have any new uploads because I'm now moving on.

I'm not deleting this channel though, but I'm abandoning it.

To any of my online friends out there, I guess this is a goodbye. Also you can still watch my videos if you want, but again I am not uploading any new videos on this channel anymore.

Plus, I'm focusing on my life in the real world (although I still use my phone a lot and play games quite often).

Also, my TTTE Games will probably never be updated like forever, even if they're unfinished, they'll probably never be done due to my broken laptop.

One last thing...

I'm also not a fan of TTTE anymore.
I just lost interest in it.

I might start a new YT channel though but it's not gonna be Thomas related or about any other trains at all.
(Probably like comedy or something idk)

Another message to my online friends out there...
We'll meet in a Roblox game Ig cuz I play Roblox a lot lol-




Shared 2 years ago



Shared 3 years ago