~ We´d like to welcome you in the channel which is completely dedicated to the incredible Elle {ShatteredxDesires}
● Runners - Lila {SilverxBeautyVideos} & Vic {Victoria666100}
● Channel´s name origin - 'Unique' - Elle's videos are all so unique & special. 'Desires' - 2nd part of Elle's YT nickname :)
● This channel is created to upload videos dedicated to Elle. Our first HUGE project is her birthday {31st of July}. If you have some gifts you´d like to dedicate to her such as multi-vidders collabs, or Meps, you can upload them here. It's gonna be much more comfortable for Elle to find all videos dedicated for her at one place. So if you want to upload sth. just PM us.
● We're also going to create a playlist with ALL the videos for her b-day we'll find around YT. You can also PM us with your video, so we could add it to the playlist.
● On 31st July we´ll PM Elle with every single video she got from you, guys ;)