Television is reality, and reality is less than television ... Brian O'Blivion (Videodrome, 1983)
Thoughts . .
Switch on the television or the radio, and enjoy colorful shampoo commercials, bright holiday adverts, war, famine and a live-feed of horror from around the world.
There is darkness all around, and I needed some light.
As far back as I can remember, my best friend was my Walkman, and now suddenly, I couldn't bring myself to listen to anything at all.
The only messages I could hear through the static were elitist, greedy and all consuming.
The people who pretended to fight against the system - were the system.
I needed to go back to a time before all that, and figure out what it was that I used to love to listen to, so I went to see a show in 2012, and suddenly everything became much clearer.
I wanted to write music that felt good again, and nostalgia lit the way.
Welcome to my video channel.
Shared 9 years ago
Shared 11 years ago
Shared 11 years ago