This YouTube is dedicated to everything concerning natural hair! My goal is to inspire women to embrace who they truly are and to express it through their natural hair! My goal is to let everyone know that relaxers (and weaves) are LYES that society has placed on us to try and tell us that this is what we need in order to look "good" or "pretty" and that is a LYE. You can be pretty with your natural hair and I want to prove it to you! Subscribe and Follow!
Update 2020: The description above was written in 2012 when I originally started this channel. I had very strong opinions then because of what my truth was. I stand by what I said but in a modified way when it comes to weaves. It’s okay to switch things up for whatever reason you choose but don’t let that define who you are! I personally haven’t worn weave since becoming natural in 2011. Oh and relaxers are still LYES lol 💁🏽‍♀️

My ultimate goal is to inspire you to come to your truth and live in it 😉

With Love,


Shared 4 years ago



Shared 4 years ago