Fuel the Mind is the place to keep you motivated and take control of your life! Set your mind and find your passion so that you can achieve your goals. Keep you focused with a vision day to day with some of the top motivational speakers like Eric Thomas, David Goggins, Jocko Willink, and many others.

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🎧 All of the background music used in our videos are either licensed through AudioBlocks,
Envato Elements or licensed under CC-BY 3.0

🎥 All of the stock footage used in our videos are licensed through VideoBlocks, Envato Elements,
CC-BY 3.0 or from stock footage websites.

We own commercial licenses for all the VideoBlocks and Envato Elements stock media
used in our videos.

All the editing done with the speech, music, and visuals are added with high-quality and special effects to create completely new, original video releases. Our videos are carefully crafted to be unique and bring you a combination of original content.