Videos that might be made in the next few months and why, could be..
Top Ten Bassists 2- Many people have given me positive and negative comments on my Top Ten Bassists video, and I feel that taken to consideration of some bassists that I left out should have been included. Therefore, with that being said there is a good chance that you will see a 2nd video of that series.
Top Ten Drummers- There's a bunch of Top Ten Drummer videos on youtube and I think that if I made one, that it might go exceptionally well. I think this because of how my other videos have reflected in comments and in ratings. With that being said, there is also a very good chance that this video will be made someday soon also.
About my Channel:
Basically, I make.. Top 10-15 videos, Tribute videos and MP3 videos. Hopefully you will watch and enjoy them.