We've been helping musicians get the gear they need since 1927!

In 2024, we’re celebrating 97 years in the musical instruments industry, fueled by an unwavering passion for music! It’s been an incredible ride, and we owe it all to our amazing communities in Texas & New Mexico, our cherished friends & partners in music retail, School Music Educators, and of course, YOU, our awesome YouTube family!

From humble beginnings as a small Texas Panhandle shop, we’ve grown to become the largest and oldest family-owned independent musical instrument retail shop in Texas & New Mexico. This is more than just a business; it’s a musical legacy built on dreams, dedication, and a passion for music.

Thank you for being part of our story and here’s to more melodies, harmonies, and rocking moments together! Let’s keep the music playing!

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Instagram - @tarpleymusic
TikTok - @tarpleymusic
Facebook - @tarpleymusic


Shared 6 months ago