Warped World Weird

I take videos to try and capture the hidden beauty of the things that are around us, so that those who appreciate symmetry, sacred geometry, and the faces, shapes and animals that appear within my videos are shared and seen by those who can appreciate their hidden inner beauty, that you can then see, because I try to make the hidden, by using pareidolia.

If you need something to get lost in, to quieten a busy mind, or you want something to watch to aid your meditation or yoga practice or you just want something to get lost in to try and relax, besides the appreciation of the shapes, animals and faces that appear within my videos, then I hope that they can help you to achieve, whatever it is that you're trying to achieve. Please feel free to leave a comment, whether that is about what you see within the video, how it makes you feel, or if there's anything that you'd like me to take videos of, then feel free to mention them.
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