Taylor Kandyland

My Name Is Taylor,
YAYYY i'm 14


iam Very Random!!!! Maybe To Random Sometimes, i Can Take Stuff Seriously When Needed!.

i love Chating and hangin with friends and making new friends so Add me, i probley wont Except it if ur like 20+ or something, you might be a Malester LMAO.

Well thanx for visiting my channel,
subscribe if you want....


OMFG, LEAVE FRED ALONE, HE AINT DO NOTHING TO YOU, HES JUST A DUDE famous on YOUTUBE, hes normal hes not a alien.. so YALLE JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE, HES FAMOUS AND YALLE JEALOUS, u would not want people to fuckin tell other people to unsubscribe you now would u?, yea i thought so.. so LEAVE FRED ALONEE.

LMAO yalle right dat fred thing i put
did sound like chris crocker XD, lmao,
sowwy bout dat, but its true :))