Jesus Calls is a ministry of prayer led by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, for people to receive prayer for their needs all the 24 hours globally through digital, broadcast, print media as well as in person through Prayer Festivals and Prayer Towers.

Jesus Calls is a global ministry founded by Late Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran and his son, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, who minister as a family, with a divine vision to heal millions of brokenhearted people through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. The ministry operates with a dedicated mission, “pray for all people of all nations and all backgrounds” who are sick and troubled, having none to intercede for them so as to receive miracles from the Almighty God. Thus, Jesus Calls is fully committed to bring God’s immense blessings and His healing touch to millions of brokenhearted people in their soul, mind and body through its 25 different facets that incorporates the mission.