
My name is Travis and I am a born-again christian. About 15 years ago I had a life-changing encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ that changed my heart, and life... and I have a desire to share Him with the world.

I am by no means a great anything. I am no great preacher, teacher, or a great Christian for that matter. But I do love the Lord and I hope He receives glory from this small ministry. I've been so fortunate to see God save a handful of souls and encourage many many brothers and sisters in Christ.

Most of the videos on this channel feature the preaching of Pastor Charles Lawson of Temple Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. Also, Dr. Peter Ruckman, and finally brother Tony Wilson. These men of God have deeply impacted my life and I hope they do to yours the same.

God Bless You All,
I pray this channel is a blessing to you, and that it brings glory to Almighty God.
