Learn Software Testing and get $80 to $150K JOB in USA. QATUTOR. Software Testing. Software Testing Tutorial.
Software Testing is one of good field for IT start up. There are many different type of Software Testing such as:
1) Manual Testing
2) Automation Testing
Automation Testing also two type such as: i) Functional Testing and ii) Performance Testing.
There are may different testing performed after Software Build.
Software Testing has important role in SDLC. After developing a software it might have many different issue which is called defect or bug. To identify defect or bug it is very important to test those software. Here we will discuss about all Software Testing tool and tutorial which will be helpful for all. You will find here all the tutorial such as LoadRunner, UFT, ALM, Selenium, SQL, JMeter, SoapUI etc.
QATUTOR link where you will find more information about software testing.
Free Software Testing Tutorial.