Welcome to the official Garden of Gore YouTube Channel.
Here we present you the trailers of our films and other worth seeing videos of the independent horror film.

Garden of Goreの公式YouTubeページへようこそ。

Our released films are available at 'Uncut Tv' (AUT), 'Black Lava Entertainment' (DE), 'Windmill Home Entertainment' (UK), Underworld Subroxxa' (US), 'Video-Market' (JPN) and on our Garden of Gore pages.

当社のリリース作品は、「Uncut Tv」(AUT)、「Black Lava Entertainment」(DE)、「Windmill Home Entertainment」(UK)、「Underworld Subroxxa」(US)、「Video-Market」(JPN)、および当社の「Garden of Gore」のページでご覧いただけます。

(DE/AUT) www.uncuttv.at/shop
(DE/AUT) blacklava.store/
(UK) windmillhomeentertainment.com/
(US) underworldsubroxxa.com/
(JPN 日本) www.video-market.net/vm/feature/borndead_backwood/…


© Garden of Gore.
Independent FIlm & Video Productions.