EPSSL: EP Songs, Star Layout
On July 1st, 2013, Monstercat introduced a new audio spectrum that radically changed the ways the songs were visualized. in 2016, a newer version of this layout was introduced and embraced by many, with a far more complete visualization. However, the older star layout was cherished and missed by many. This channel exists as a way to bring more exposure to all of the EP/LP/Extended Mix/Remix songs that have been released by Monstercat and visualize them in the old star layout. EPSSL features all of the songs that didn't get uploaded to the any main Monstercat channel, but are still official releases of the label. Some of these songs are truly amazing, and we hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

We are not ran nor affiliated with Monstercat!