
Hello, and welcome to under appreciated classics productions. I am beginning my road to becoming a quality YouTuber, in this channel you will find the following interesting content,coverage of the malaise era classics (1970-1990). Flight simulator X mods and full flight experience videos, antique automotive repair, drive in-depth tour and car shows followed with the occasional livestreams on Instagram #Mustangman.302. NOAA emergency alert system tracking videos, (I own a midland WR-120-ER 2017 Model radio from lowe’s 2 Midland HH54VP2’s from eBay, Tandy Realistic model 12_240 from Radioshack, Eton Zoneguard from eBay) and much more added intriguing content, so if any of this interests you go ahead and press the subscribe button and notification bell, because there is plenty of content to come!