leobertolino 〉Obama Must Free Leonard Peltier

OneLove :D
the US governament's & violation rights present "THE SHAME CONTINUES" five centuries of massacre, many (sure not all) demons dressed
as...priests,confusion,epidemics,hunger, world record of broken treaties,fighting abuses of Political Powers, corruption in the FBI, misuse of government Funds...This has continued, not only in America.And they continue to "play" cowboys against Indians.
Despite the problems existing today, the Indians have won! huuu yeah...
Go to see also what happened during the "Reign of Terror" in Pine Ridge, see how many Natives were killed by the FBI, SWAT, GOON's, etc.
No one has investigated thes not been done justice....
Perhaps some should be ashamed?

Wasose mani pelo bu'uta - my Kola

"Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think, and act for myself--and I will obey every law or submit to the penalty."
Joseph - Nez Perce

We are not separate beings,you and I
We are different strands of the same being
You are me and I am you
and we are they and they are us

This is how we're meant to be,
each of us one
each of us all

You reach out across the void of Otherness to me
and you touch your own soul !
( Tate Wikuwa )

hey hello :D yeah, you are welcome in this channel,if you're interested in learning this sad story, of Leonard Peltier, and other thing
We can do a good work together, and help us to help ina good vibes, if you want!
If you instead, one has to waste time,
to offend and stay behind a mask,
because, fanatical duplicitous,
to racism, strange tricks of trolls,
lousy spy, perhaps sent by, FuckBI,
hypocritical and phoney, you can change the channel with you'r rip-off.
But it is better if you go fuck yourself.
Here you can make love, peace and freedom. All together WE try to do everything possible,compassion and sharing Ok....So,
better a harsh debate, a hypocrite,
love you with,butter bread and sugar sugar my honey blah blah blah. man
If you're honest with your conscience I defend your freedom to express yourself,ALWAYS,we will gain
respect n'love!...provided that you do not like the subterfuge.
but if you ask the poop, I can always shitting on your face.
Here we eat very well.
So, just to be clear.
I do not like to use this type of language,
Unfortunately many people only understand this X-rated
Now you think that