Bad news people. I won't be uploading any videos anymore. Don't have much free time and plus, my vegas is a bitch. And above all that, i have zero inspiration for videos. Sorry.

♥ Here's something about me ♥
Name: Laura
Nickname: Cherry or Lala
Age: 18
Birthday: 14 April
Hair: Dirty Blonde & long
Eyes: Blue/Green/Grey

♥ Loves ♥
~ Friends
~ Familly
~ My two cats ^^

♥ Fanfiction account ♥

♥ DeviantArt account ♥

♥Skype Account: CherryBlossomLala (but please, tell me who you are or I won't accept the invitation!)
Wanna know more about me? Ask! I don't bite ;)

Bg and icon made by XBlackSmile (love her)