Serving users exclusively, since 2011.

We are an independent team of scientists and engineers. It's tough to choose hardware. A mob of marketers steamroll social media with anonymous accounts: reddit, forums, youtube etc. Our users are independent thinkers, they demand testable facts and they have no respect for the latest fad.

We do
Focus on user verifiable facts and figures.
Buy all of our hardware from mainstream shops: no golden "free" samples here.
Provide PC details, driver versions, game settings and source video for our EFps figures.
Pick games that most of our users actually play. (ACO, BFV etc. are relatively unpopular)

We don't
Put lipstick on pigs for sponsorship fees.
Care for brands: red, green or blue. PC hardware isn’t a fashion show, performance comes first.
Test at 1440p or 4K: these resolutions are rarely optimal for gaming (refresh rate › size ›› resolution).
Get fooled by the corporate army of anonymous forum and reddit advisors that prey on first time buyers.