New, enhanced stereo mixes of classic oldies, for headphone enthusiasts.

I use AI software (UVR5 - v4|htdemucs) to create the stems. I then look for alternate takes and split those up. I then sample the parts I want to use and incorporate them into the new mix. The main software used is Steinberg Wavelab and Cubase.

Adding samples to the mix does not result in something that sounds like a re-recording. Fold my remixes down to mono and you will hear something very close to the original versions. The original versions still exist for those purists who are emotionally attached to the original mixes.

The dictionary definition of the term remix is: A variant of an original recording (as of a song) made by rearranging or adding to the original.

And please note, I do this as a hobby, just for fun. No point complaining if you don't like what you hear. There is no money involved!

Hope you enjoy my work
