Cristian Logofatu

Financier. Entrepreneur. Ironman

Cristian has a 20+ year experience in financial markets, as a graduate of Finance and an active investor since 2004.
Between 2007 and 2019 Cristian was the founder-CFO of Bittnet Group, a leading Romanian IT services company. Bittnet is the first Romanian IT company to list on the stock exchange, attracting more than 100 million RON in equity and bonds financing, that it has deployed in order to grow at a 50% CAGR - reaching 100m EUR revenue in 2024.

Bittnet has done multiple M&As, acquiring 14 companies and selling 3, investing in other listed companies with significant IRRs and has transformed the face of the Romanian capital market in the process, both in the approach to transparency and openness to shareholders, but also in pioneering products and procedures in order to build shareholder wealth.

As a triathlete, Cristian has finished 9x Ironman, including 2 World Championships, 13x 70.3s including one WC, 3 marathons and one ultra.


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