李莎拉Sarahlee | Style & Life

大家好呀! 欢迎来到我的 YouTube 频道--我是 Sarah,一个从业14年的造型师,主要工作内容是为广告角色设定做整体妆发和穿搭造型!我喜欢时尚、美容、生活方式等一切话题,希望能在每周的视频博客中与大家分享我的一些关于时尚的经验和知识,我也会分享自己比较喜欢的一些品牌,妆发造型,色彩搭配和扬长避短的穿衣法则。因为人生中多了一个作为妈妈的角色,正在努力转型为分享博主,谢谢大家的关注。
Hey guys! Welcome to my YouTube channel! I’m Sarah, and I’ve been a stylist for 14 years, mainly working on makeup, hair, and styling for characters in ads. I’m super passionate about fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, and I can’t wait to share my tips and tricks with you in my weekly vlogs. I’ll be talking about some of my favorite brands, makeup and hair ideas, color combos, and how to dress in a way that highlights your best features.
Also, as I take on the role of being a mom, I’m transitioning into a lifestyle content creator and sharing all the things I’ve learned along the way. I’m so thankful for your support, and I hope you enjoy the journey with me!