Travel vlogs worldwide

Hello my name is Abdul I was born in Algeria raised in France and do reside in the US.I recently start making videos again also coming back to the US from my home country as time will go on I will add more videos of more different places in the USA and as well in Algeria and other part of Africa, Europe and traveling worldwide as well in the near future.
As time will go on, i would like my channel to grow more in the coming years.You are the only one who will make it possible. I will be loyal to my promise to bring you enjoyment plus entertainment into having you enjoy watching more of my videos.Thanks you my friends and dont forget to suscribe to my channel and if you like to donate even small amounts will definitely help on the gas and
food money to bring you videos accros California even beyond all the way at your confort of your own home whenever you could be on your couch or office chair at work or inside your car.God bless you all. 🙏


Shared 1 year ago



Shared 1 year ago