123 countries, 7 continents, 45 US States, Pan-American Highway, Route 66, US Coast to Coast, Trans-Mongolian, Ruta 40, All Europe countries. A window on the world of history, all the most famous places and landscapes. The history of architecture in the past centuries and the current one. This channel will show you the history and its changes over time, I hope this channel can be helpful for your cultural learning. This channel is available to all students of history or human culture in general, they can view and study its evolution over time up close. The purpose of this channel is purely educational, all people interested in the proposed topics can draw educational information from this channel. All the films proposed here are for educational purposes and serve to show the architecture, history and the most significant places in the history of humanity. The geometries and wide spaces seen by a traveler from 7 continents, the continuous search for culture and cultures around the world


Shared 6 months ago