I'm just a guy who enjoys playing videogames.

On this channel you'll find a lot of gaming goodness like top tens, good VG music, reviews and eventually guitar covers. I'm currently collaborating with two other you-tubers to get an LP channel up and running so you can expect to see that very soon.

- I'm currently working on guitar covers for these tracks:
- Firemans theme/ Megaman
- Wily Stage 2/ Megaman 8

- Current LPs -
(In Progress)
Kirby Superstar
Metroid Zero Mission
The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past

If you want any of my music use youtube downloader, or most of it can be found on this site: gh.ffshrine.org/
Heres a link to my favorite vgm playlist so you can randomize the order: youtube.com/watch?v=ZErYdU8FUgU&feature=PlayList&p…

First upload 7/13/09
50,000 views 10/18/10
100,000 views 3/14/11
100 subscribers 3/30/2013


Shared 13 years ago



Shared 14 years ago