Sovereign Grace Baptist Church - Globe Az

The Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of the Living God. What you will find here are sermons preached by myself, John Skaggs and Michael Leonard, Elders of SGBC. We believe that God is in absolute control of everything, including in the salvation of sinners. We believe that men are dead in sin and cannot contribute anything to their own salvation. We believe that when God determines that it's time for one of His lost sheep to be saved, He gives that person a new heart and mind along with the gifts of repentance and faith toward Jesus Christ for salvation. We believe that it is the Christian's job to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world as commanded by Jesus. The Gospel, as presented in the Bible, with no additions or deletions, is the power of God for the salvation of sinners. You will also find a library of our sermons at this address.