....RH HISTORY....
The Rant House originated in 2005 as a gaming oriented blog where I could rant about various things going on in the inudstry of gaming and general entertainment. The blog was set up on the now defunct Gr00pz, a sister site of ds-play.com. Shortly after the demise of the Gr00pz project the concept was picked up again by w-o-n.org Where I was alloted a sister page to the site for the Rant House to continue on. Under new limitations from the host site to keep most of the content related strictly to Nintendo gaming. By 2007 I began to feel too restricted to really expand the site to provide all the non-gaming related rants brewing inside of me. So once again the Rant House project was abandoned. Another year passed before I finally broke down and began a Rant House blog on live journal to express my more spiritual side. I dubbed this incarnation "Rant House :X:". Then oneday it struck me that my best option had been right in front of my face all along. So it has come time to revive my abandoned youtube account, and attempt to incorporate all the aspects of the previous versions of the Rant House together. I've definitely got a lot of work a head of me on this one.
******This is a work in progress, expect major delays******Rant House©2005-2011
Current Incarnations of the Rant House
Rant House :X: (X-Files)
Rant House :G: (general, games)
Rant House Email News Letter. Send a shout out to
Thanks in advance for all the support.