Dr. Srikanth Nithyanandam (Family & Sports MD)

Hi, I am Dr. Srikanth Nithyanandam, a Primary Care Sports Medicine doctor practicing in the United States. I serve various roles as a clinician, such as a hospitalist, outpatient clinician, team physician, and medical director for Exercise Physiology Lab.

I completed my medical school from PSIMSR, Coimbatore, India. I did a Masters in exercise Physiology at the University of Kentucky. I then went to complete residency in Family Medicine, Fellowship in Academic Medicine and finally a Fellowship in Sports Medicine. I just recently completed an online Integrative Medicine Residency Program through University of Arizona.

My mission of creating of this channel is to help people understand the importance of being active and help people who are physically inactive to undertake physical activity and for people who already enjoy physical activity, to help them remain stay active.