Four years ago, a mysterious stranger viciously stabbed me in the throat with a blunt kitchen knife while at a movie theater...

I was convinced this would be the last day of my life…

My vision of being the ambitious, yet fulfilled man who relentlessly conquers every obstacle…

And achieves success in all areas of life was instantly shattered...

As the mysterious stranger viciously stabbed me 2 more stabs in the arm and chest For no apparent reason.

“Help, i’ve been stabbed!” I screamed while fighting to stay conscious.

Before I knew it, my lifeless body collapsed into my seat like a ragdoll.

Hi. My name is Adam Lucero. And 4 years ago, I was brutally stabbed 3 times at a movie theater.

In fact, my face was plastered all over the “Breaking News” segments on TV.

Fortunately, I survived this ordeal. But it left me in a broken state.

I spent the next 4 years of my life discovering the secrets of evolution, biology & psychology to build myself into a conqueror. Now it's your turn