Okinawa Karate Kobudo Federation

Okinawa te -"Okinawa hand" style of Ancient Okinawa Karate arose in the 16th century. The "Sindo Ryu" - "way of truth" school the most secretive and by far the most violent Karate society was the highest achievement of this Karate style.
All bouts are full contact. Protective equipment is not used. There are neither fight rules nor weight classes.

The teaching of martial arts is not the main goal of Okinawa Te, the main goal is self-understanding and self-defence and the attainment of the highest law of existence, the perfection of the soul.

Okinawa Karate Sindo ryu incorporates both ideas of karate: Karate-do and Karate Jutsu. Karate-do is the path of self-improvement through the practice of karate
Karate-jutsu - tough and effective self-defence techniques.

Sensei Valeriy Maistrovoy received 6th Dan in 2006 from Soke Takayoshi Nagamine 10th Dan. This is the highest degree that Nagamine Sensei has ever awarded.

Now Valeriy Maistrovoy is Kyoshi 8 Dan, Okinawa Ambassador