Hey All!
I'm taking back what I said earlier as I have found that AnimeMusicVideos.org, although a good site, lacks the interactivity of youtube. While I'm still frustrated with the situation regarding youtube and its copyright laws I've decided to simply move in another direction. This DOES NOT mean that I'm stopping with making my AMVs, it merely means that I am changing the way that they are made.
From this point on I will no longer be using only Windows Movie Maker but I will incorporate Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro into making my movies in the hope of providing a better service to all my watchers and fans. I am also going to be featuring lesser known artists in my videos in an attempt to promote some bands that I find noteworthy and think deserve some recognition. This DOES NOT mean that I am going to stop with the more well-known artists, I have no intention on stopping production of the videos that you all know and love, like Evanescence and Linkin Park.
Another change that I'm making in regards to my videos is incorporating Adobe Flash into the mix. Starting now, I will be working on creating an epic story animated in Adobe Flash. This story shall be called "Eternal Dusk". I'm not sure if any of you have heard of something called BannedStory but that's where my movie is going to be coming from. Over the past few months I've been really inspired by a flash animator by the name of Dray86. If you haven't seen any of his animations I strongly suggest treating yourself to one of them.
Well that's all for now. I'll update you guys when I get the chance. Happy Holidays all!
Shared 17 years ago
Shared 17 years ago
Shared 18 years ago