Fat Tail Investment Research

Welcome, I’m James Woodburn, the publisher.

What our editors and researchers look for each day are great ideas…ideas that stand the test of time.

Sometimes those ideas are mainstream. Sometimes they are not. When they’re not, they are especially important to you, our reader.

Why? Because it’s those ideas that are most valuable.

We’re on the edge. We’re the alternative financial press.

We are fiercely independent.

We don’t manage money or take a commission for selling other financial products. The only advertising we pass on is for our own research, and only because we think you might find it useful.

And it’s in this vein we explore the edges of the bell curve and report our findings to you…the ideas and recommendations we believe are the most compelling.

All advice is general in nature and has not taken into account your personal circumstances. Please seek independent financial advice regarding your own situation, or if in doubt about the suitability of an investment