Dr. Arun is a specialist Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeon with a focussed practice in the field of Facial Cosmetic Surgeries, Aesthetic Laser procedures, Hair Transplants & other minimally invasive Facial Aesthetic procedures. He is a researcher, an innovator, a teacher, and a Facial surgeon. Having devoted over 19 years in the field of Facial Aesthetic Surgeries, his work represents a benchmark in the field of Facial Cosmetic Surgery, Facial Aesthetics & Hair Transplant Surgery. Many of his techniques and protocols are published and are well followed by doctors in the field of Facial Aesthetics.

Facial plastic surgery like Facelifts, Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplasty, ear reconstruction, scar revision, facial feminization surgery, Hair Transplant surgery, Noninvasive Facial aesthetic procedures like Botulinum toxin, Dermal fillers, Thread lifts, PRP therapy, Lasers, Chemical peeling, Body contouring procedures like Breast augmentation, liposuction, gynecomastia surgeries, and Hair Transplant