Hi, I'm LeafeonGlow, unless you happen to know me by name. I used to make animashes. If you have any questions, leave a comment or send me a PM. :)
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BWAHAHAHA!! .3 YOU HAVE BEEN HACKED!! Haha XD Hey peeps!!! =3 Tis Nighteh! Nighters, Skunky-chan, ShuShu, Kirstin, whatever! DX I have come to eat you!! =3 haha, nope. ^^ Now, this chicky, is some amazing person. You better sub DX sub again, sub till the yellow button BREAKS XD THEN you better be-friend her because she is the BOMB and you will NEVER find a better friend *huggles* T^T Well I must be off! .3 TOODLES! *runs back to my metal cup with Itachi* XD bwahaha...
Signed .3 ~Nigheh!~
*has hacked Leafeh again* u.u I'm so evil.....*runs off* *sits in tea cup with Itachi* :33 hehehe....|Nighteh|
Shared 12 years ago