Roaming With Rosie

Is it really all about working and saving for a dream retirement when there’s no guarantee we will arrive there alive, let alone healthy enough to enjoy it? NO!

We're Jamie and Linda. We've quit the corporate world BEFORE retirement because nothing is Guaranteed. We'll be living a LOCATION INDEPENDENT lifestyle traveling North America working remotely and work camping.

Our home on wheels is ROSIE TOO. A 2006, Alfa See Ya motorhome.

We're bringing Dexter! 50lbs of vertically challenged canine who HATES travel!

Come along, invite your friends, & we'll share with you the awesome places we find along the way and lessons we learn from our new lifestyle,

We welcome your comments and thoughts on our videos and appreciate ideas and advice. Supporting our goal is easy and free to you. Subscribe, Like, & click the bell on YouTube, & Share with friends & family! Use the Amazon Links on our website

Merch coming soon 🔥

SeeYa On The Road!